
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Some favorite photos I took from Kona Ironman World Championship 2011

Kona Ironman World Championship 2011 Photos

Photos: ©Shiggy Ichinomiya

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(Above: Andy Potts cruising through the aid station at around mile 22.)
CLICK on the photo itself for a crisper view.

Andy is sponsored by LIFEPROOF™Click HERE for LIFEPROOF'S Website

(Above: Mirinda "Rinny" Carfrae getting bodymarked at 5:30am)

(Above: Rinny is very calm before the start of the race and even stops for a photo op. Thank you.)

(Above: Wow!! Rinny updated her Facebook profile picture using the shot I took of her at 5:30am!!)

(Above: Spectators near the starting line climbed this banyan tree to get a better view.)

(Above: Craig "Crowie" Alexander adjusting his helmet and ready to clip in.)

(Above: Chris Lieto is dowsing himself with water as kids and adults alike are eager to have water grabbed from them by an "Ironman.)
 (Above: Chris Lieto is going through his "dedicated aid station." The team captain in the purple on the right oversees that everything, I mean everything is at his disposal.)
(Above: After killing it on the swim and bike, Chris pauses for a moment to catch his breathe. Chris's amazing wife offers words of comfort and support.)

 (Above: The sign says it ALL.)

 (Above: Chrissie Wellington is offered water and sponges.)

 (Above: Sometimes drinking from a sponge that is absolutely heavy with water is easier to drink from than a cup.)
 (Above: How would YOU caption this photo?)

 (Above: Mirinda "Rinny" Carfrae is making a desperate attempt to catch up with Chrissie Wellington.  Powered by the back kick of KSwiss!!)
(Above: Craig "Crowie" Alexander makes it look so easy. Here he is in first place at mile 22.  His feet don't even touch the ground.)

(Above: Age group athlete dunking his head in the ice bin.  It was hot, hot, hot. Even the photographer was hot and had an all day workout!!)
 (Above: Already with hands quite full, Chrissie Wellington is thirsty for more. Hydrate Chrissie)

 (Above: I wonder what is going through Chrissie Wellington's mind right now as she eyeballs the drink held out by an aid station volunteer?)
 (Above: A sight rarely seen. Chrissie is known for her beaming smile and laughter. This is Chrissie's game face. All business.)
 (Above: Mirinda "Rinny" Carfrae running like the wind. Here she is in second place doing her very best to catch up to 4 time Kona Winner---Chrissie Welllington. She even ignores the Coca-Cola bottle on the top right of this photo!!)
 (Above: Enjoy the race. Enjoy the view!!)

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