
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Photos: Tower 26 taken with an iPhone inside a LifeProof™ waterproof Case

Photographer: ©Shiggy Ichinomiya /// GoShiggyGo.Com

In the photos below I wanted you to have "proof" that I took photos with my iPhone in the LifeProof  casing.   I did this by taking a photo using  a GoPro making sure that the orange casing was included in the photo. 
You'll see one subject matter taken at two different camera angles using two different cameras; a LifeProof and a GoPro

Photos taken at Tower 26 using an orange waterproof LifeProof™ case (with LifeJacket) for iPhone. 

Photos below were also taken of the LifeProof™ case in action, using a  GoPro.

(Above: Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.  
On the right, wearing a white swim cap is pro triathlete, Terenzo Bozzone. Terenzo was practicing with Tower 26. 
Here is a link to his blog. Click HERE for Terenzo's blog. )

(Above: Photo of orange LifeProof case taken using my GoPro at 6:30am. The sun is not up. The light emanating from the back of the iPhone screen is illuminated greatly because it's still relatively dark and grey out.)

         (Above: Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.)

  (Above: Triathletes skipping and hurdling over the water.
Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.)

  (Above: Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.)

             (Above: Sea of humanity coming towards the camera. 
                 Thankfully they parted like the Red Sea. lol!!
                     Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.)
(Above: Triathletes kicking and spraying up water as they rush past me.
Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.

(Above: Photo of triathletes {Damon Lee in wetsuit far left} taken with iPhone in LifeProof case in my left hand. 

Below: Same athletes. Photo from different angle of Damon Lee, with orange LifeProof  in foreground taken with GoPro, using my right hand)

 (Above: Damon Lee storms past me. 
Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.)

 (Above: Tower 26 members coached by Gerry Rodrigues in the white t-shirt are "race ready." 
Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.

 (Above: Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.

 (Above: This wave doesn't look big, but when it's coming towards you, it is B.I.G time BIG!!!
Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.

 (Above: Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.

 (Above: I love how the hand on the far left is reaching through the wave. I shall entitle this "Break on through to the other side."
(Above: Taken with iPhone in a LifeProof™ case.

(Above: Photo of  triathlete doning a XTERRA wetsuit taken with iPhone in a LifeProof case y'all.
Below: Same triathletes as above. Photo of triathlete with LifeProof  in foreground taken with GoPro)
(Above: Photo of triathlete with LifeProof  in foreground taken with GoPro)

(Above: Photo of Susan taken with iPhone in a LifeProof case with my left hand.
Below: Photo of Susan with LifeProof  in foreground taken with GoPro in my right hand. Double fisting!! LOL!!)
(Above: Photo of Susan with LifeProof  in foreground taken with GoPro in my right hand. )

Photos Below: 
Photos of LifeProof™ Case inside LifeJacket™ taken with a GoPro.

(Above: LifeProof is waterproof!!) 

 (Above: Waiting patiently for the 60 plus Tower 26 members to rush by me like Storm Troopers in black wetsuits. )

 (Above: YES, yes, LifeProof is WaterProof.)
  (Above: YES, yes, LifeProof is WaterProof.)

(Above: Stop splashing water on my lens y'all!!! LOL!!)

(Above: Unexpected wave from behind smashes into me causing water to spray everywhere.)

(Above:  Y'up. Still functional half-submerged in water.)

 (Above: Coach Gerry of Tower 26)

 (Above: Interesting!!  Floating body on the right!!!) 

 (Above: Far right is brainy and gorgeous Libby Bradly.)

(Above: LifeProof comes in a nicely designed box.)

(Above: Before I took my iPhone in a LifeProof case out to sea, I checked the integrity of the o-rings in my 180 gallon freshwater fish tank. As you can see above, I weighted the case sans iPhone under a heavy petrified piece of wood. My 7 year old silver dollar and 6 year old orange parrot fish watch on to make sure the test was conducted under tight water specifications.) 

(Above: My orange parrot fish shoes me away because it wants to eat fish food----the orange granules resting atop of the LifeProof case.)

(Above: This is the buoyant "LIFEJACKET," that encloses the LIFEPROOF Case, that encloses my iPhone!!!)

(Above: Got a shout out from LIFEPROOF on their 
Twitter Feed. Thank you!)



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Photos: Challenged Athlete Foundation CAF part 2 of 2 by Shiggy (GoShiggyGo)

A photo essay created by ©Shiggy Ichinomiya (GoShiggyGo)

San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC)
Challenged Athletes Foundation® (CAF)

(Above: (left in pink) Heather Ford--Morning News Reporter on KSWB's Fox 5 San Diego.
(Right) Sarah Reinertsen--Author of "In a Single Bound."Sarah was the first female above-knee amputee to finish the Ironman World Championship on a prosthetic.)

7:00am Parade of Athletes
Introduction of legends, celebrities, challenged athletes and recent Paralympians.

(Above: The doggy is soooooo cute!!)

(Above: Bill Walton in the house. 6'11" 
Bill Walton played for UCLA and won two NBA Championships.)

(Above: Just back from doing the Kona Ironman World Championship on October 13th, 2012, this is Amy Dodson.  Here is a link to this beautiful Cover-Girl on Runner's World Magazine.
Click ON HERE for Amy's Link on Runner's World Magazine)

(Above: Karen Aydelott. Just came back two weeks ago from doing Kona Ironman® World Championship for the 13th time.)

(Above: The rain/drizzle let up for an amazing day.)
(Above: Jordan Rapp in the house. Just came back from doing Kona Ironman World Championship on October 13th, 2012.)
Jordan's Twitter: Click HERE for Jordan's Twitter)

(Above: Jordan Rapp. 6'3" 
Excerpt below from Specialized®

Jordan Rapp was born on July 28th, 1980. Three weeks later, he went for his first open water swim (sort of) in the waters of Lost Lake in Brewster, NY. Eighteen years later, he took first strokes of a different kind - in a rowing shell - on Princeton University's Lake Carnegie. After a high school career focused on squash and lacrosse, he began training for endurance athletics on a Concept II ergometer in the winter of 1998/99. Millions of meters and millions of strokes later, he was injured for the first time in his rowing career while training to make the U.S. National Team. And so, in April of 2003, he clipped a pair of aerobars onto his road bike, bought a pair of race wheels with the first tax return of his post-graduate career, and never looked back except to occasionally take a peek at the competition.)

(Above: Bob, Bob and Bob. Jordan, Jordan and Jordan!!!!
Beautiful Heidi is taking the photo with her iPad. 

Here's an interesting link about Bob,  published on July 9th, 2003.
Click HERE to learn a little more about BOB)

(Above: Heidi's reflection in Heidi's iPad)

(Above: The Doctor is in the House.
Dr. Bryon Solberg.

Here is a link about Bryon: Click on HERE for Bryon's link)

(Above: The Bachelor. Dr. Andy Baldwin.
Here is Andy's Twitter account: Dr. Andy Baldwin's Twitter Account. Click HERE)

(Above: Jordan Rapp sponsored by Specialized®
Click HERE for Specialized Website

BREAKING NEWS - Triathlon LAB is now an official Specialized Bicycles - Triathlon TT & S-Works + McLaren Venge dealer! 2013 Transition, SHIV Expert, Comp & Elite models are now in stock at the Redondo Beach store!
Click on HERE for Triathlon Lab's Website

(Above: Lauren Mcvey-Harsch with JJ)

(Above: Milena Glusac

7:40am Special Presentation of basketball wheelchair to 10 year-old local challenged athlete Luke Acuna. Luke was struck by a garbage truck last November while riding his skateboard home from school. As a result doctors amputated his leg above the knee.  Luke's family was introduced to CAF where they were paired up with a mentor who has helped them along their road to recovery. Now CAF presented Luke with his first basketball chair. Woot woot!!

7:40 National Anthem

(Above: Rosalind Jarrett Sepulveda and Lamar Sepulveda. Huge supporters of CAF every year.)

8:00am Swim Start in the La Jolla Cove

(Above: Moments prior to the swimmers getting into the water.)

(Above: Henry Luce Hagenbuch and Jim Garfield.)

(Above: Jim Garfield and Henry Luce Hagenbuch
Here is Jim's Twitter Account. Say "hi")

"Hot corner" with Celebrity and VIP Relay Team Tag-offs

(Above: Sarah Piampiano just got back from finishing Kona Ironman World Championship on October 13th, 2012. 
Sarah is a Professional athlete, winner of 2012 Ironman New Orleans 70.3 beating Mirinda Carfrae, Caitlin Snow and Heather Wurtle in her 3rd race as a pro.  )

(Above: Beautiful, gorgeous, delightful, caring, wonderful, multi-tasker, fabulous, brilliant, kind, fun. Jenna Novotny in the house.  RUNJRUN)

(Above: Ladies in red!!! Absolutely stunning, beautiful, pretty smile and radiant Torrie Tinley and the gorgeous and talented, model Jenna Novotny)
(Above: I just met Glynn for the first time in Kona, Hawaii. Two weeks later, I have the privilege of seeing Glynn Turquand here in La Jolla--San Diego!!)

(Above: Jordan Rapp with Oz Sanchez)

(Above: Anthony Chen-Top CAF REFUEL® Fundraiser in a one month-time period.
Sarah Reinertsen-1st female amputee to complete the Hawaii Ironman.
Dr. Andrew Baldwin-Appeared on ABC's The Bachelor. )

(Above: OMG OMG OMG. Julie is welled-up with emotion when she sees Karen Aydelott.
Julie Moss-Ironman triathlete who first became known during the 1982 Ironman World Championship when she collapsed just 10 yards from the finish in first place, only to be passed by Kathleen McCartney Hearst who took first.)
Click video below:

(Above: Roxana Parkes, cute doggy and Keith Simmons in the house y'all!!!)

(Above: Jim Garfield and Julie Moss)

(Above: Rudy Garcia-Tolson and Jim Garfield.)

(Above: Cameron Clapp: Triple amputee)

(Above: Y'up Specialized makes trikes!!)

(Above: As I was looking through my camera lens, I focused on the athlete's goggles and noticed something..........

(Above: I noticed that the athlete's goggles were full of water, so I told this to the volunteer and handler.......)

(Above: The handler takes off the goggles and all the water drains out!!! Yippee)

Shiggy Ichinomiya offers a full line of photography services for your corporate/convention/event need. Shiggy is a Los Angeles based photographer specializing in advertising and commercial work, including wedding, portraiture, sports, editorial, events and corporate photography.


Photography with heart