Photographer: Shiggy Ichinomiya (Itchy-know-me-yah!!)
Please "like" my page---->> Facebook.Com/GoShiggyGo
Anything is Possible™
"Anything is Possible" is one of Ironman's Slogans.
I believe that anything, if you put your
I believe that anything, if you put your
into it,
is possible.
is possible.
(Above: Siri Lindley, Rinny's coach, giving the thumbs up sign
at the bike check-in!! Rinny's husband, Tim, is to the left.)
(Above: Winter Olympic Champion, Apolo Ohno checks in his bike.)
(Above. Guess whose bike seat?)
(Above: A view from Rinny's cockpit.
Love the Kangaroo seat!!!)
Love the Kangaroo seat!!!)
(Above: Mega honored and stoked that Rinny is using a photo
that I took of her, as her Facebook profile pic.
Maybe it's her good luck photo!!)
Maybe it's her good luck photo!!)
(Above: The swim start at around 5:45am.
Quiet. Tranquil. Peaceful.)
Quiet. Tranquil. Peaceful.)
(Above: Mike "The Voice of Ironman" Reilly
welcoming all the athletes.)
(Above: Photographer Donald Miralle captures the age-group athletes as they are about to head for the swim.)
(Above: The sun is rising.)
(Above: Amazing and talented friend, Hugh E. Gentry
capturing some unique and powerful underwater shots.)

(Above: Wow, THAT was close.)
(Above: Mike Reilly working his magic.)
(Above: Andrew Messick, CEO of Ironman, creating
some memories.)
(Above: Mr. Messick, giving a shout-out
to the LA Tri Club and Tower 26.
That's awesome that WTC donated money to ALS.)
(Above: Spectators, fan, family members and relatives eagerly await the start of the race.)
(Above: Yes it was windy. Look at the waves in the background.)
(Above: Bottom left on Stand-Up-Paddelboard
wearing green hat!!
"I'm a Betty!! Kristin Mayer helping at the swim start!!!)
"I'm a Betty!! Kristin Mayer helping at the swim start!!!)

Middle of the photo you can see the athletes start to swim.)
(Above: Age Grouper listening to the National Anthem.)
(Above: Scott Rigsby helping out former race car driver
Alex Zanardi.)
(Above: Age-Grouper saying a little prayer.)
(Above: Two age-groupers wishing each other luck.)
(Above: Guide Anne Thilges , helping out blind
triathlete Tina Ament.
Anne and Tina are sporting the special
Kona Edition XTERRA wetsuit.
Anne and Tina are sporting the special
Kona Edition XTERRA wetsuit.
(Above: Tethered by a rope.
NO physical contact!!!)
Did Anne and Tina finish?
Click on NBC's Today Show video to find out. xoxo
(Above: Federal Law Enforcement agent, Ed Ignacio, did the run
section of the Ironman with over 40 pounds of tactical gear.)
(Above: Check out Tower 26 member, Reilly Smith's blog below:
Click on here to read and see photos of Reilly xoxo)
Click on here to read and see photos of Reilly xoxo)
(Above: A two-fer. Reilly getting ready for the Ironman and Reilly
getting ready for Ironman Muscle & Fitness Magazine!! LOOK
at those guns!!)
(Above: Waves were pretty big at the swim start as witnessed
by photographer and pro-triathlete from Canada, Jordan Bryden.)
(Above: Award winning photographer Donald Miralle taking photos of Leanda Cave with his Aquatech Housing.)
(Above: THIS is Rinny at the swim start.
No crowds. No fans. No coach. No husband.
Just herself and the battle between
No crowds. No fans. No coach. No husband.
Just herself and the battle between
the mind and the body.
BOTH won!!!)
Who was first out of the water?
Check this out.
It's very close--->> Click on HERE xoxo
(Above: Leanda Cave out of the water with a herd of
orange Blue Seventy wearing athletes.
My boy, fellow photographer. Rocky Arroyo on the bottom right captures photos with his underwater housing camera.)
My boy, fellow photographer. Rocky Arroyo on the bottom right captures photos with his underwater housing camera.)

(Above: THE amazing and ever so awesome Meredith Kessler
fast out of the swim (54:29) and ready to get on the bike.)

(Above: Apolo Ohno rips off his swim cap and is ready
to do a sub 10!! WHAT? Yes, a sub 10 Kona Ironman.)
(Above: LA Tri Club's Cortney Haile just out of the swim.)
(Above: Cortney Haille ready to hammer the bikes.
Love how she has Triathlon Lab as a sponsor
Love how she has Triathlon Lab as a sponsor
on her front forks!!)
(Above: Cortney looking towards the future!)
(Above: Cortney laughing. Was it something I said? hehhee)
(Above: Duuuuude!!! Wow!! Hungry?)
(Above: Apolo Ohno on the bikes.
Wow, look at those thigh muscles!!)
Wow, look at those thigh muscles!!)

(Above: LA Tri Club's Peggy McDowell-Cramer
(Above: I loooove this. Number 642 loses
his hydration. And Bib Number 2025 reaches down and picks it up!!
THAT is great sportsmanship!!)

(Above: Saw this guy wearing an Ironman Lake Tahoe Jersey and had to take a photo. Fellow IMLT brother!!!
I did it in 2013. Finished in 16hr 58 min 33 seconds.
I did it in 2013. Finished in 16hr 58 min 33 seconds.
Second to last!!! Hey, I finished and didn't DNF!!
My IMCDA was 14hrs 26 min in 2010.
What will my next IM time be?)
My IMCDA was 14hrs 26 min in 2010.
What will my next IM time be?)
(Above: Scott Rigsby a double-leg amputee himself, helps out
Italian racing car driver Alex Zanardi, who lost both his legs in a 2001 horrific race car crash.)
(Above: Mayor of Hawaii, Billy Kenoi is done with the swim.
WHAT a nice guy!!)
WHAT a nice guy!!)
(Above: Though not completing this year's brutal Kona Ironman,
Sister Madonna Buder, AKA the "Iron Nun" at 84 years YOUNG
Sister Madonna Buder, AKA the "Iron Nun" at 84 years YOUNG
is happy that she made the swim cut off by a couple of seconds!!
She took up the sport at 47!!! )
Read more about her, right here!!
Click on HERE for interesting stuff about the IRON NUN
Read more about her, right here!!
Click on HERE for interesting stuff about the IRON NUN

(Above: The Ironman Staff are sooooo thrilled
that Sister Madonna made the swim cut off by less
than 30 seconds.)
(Above: The Ironman Staff are sooooo thrilled
that Sister Madonna made the swim cut off by less
than 30 seconds.)
(Above: Hi buddy!! I see you!!
I was told that the camera is the black device
I was told that the camera is the black device
under the nose of the helicopter.)
(Above: The Mayor of Hawaii giving the "shaka!!!" and
about to ride his Blue Bicycle. Blue Bicycles was the
Official 2014 Bike Course Sponsor of the Ironman
World Championship. Great job out there Billy!!)
World Championship. Great job out there Billy!!)
(Above: THE Mayor of Hawaii "favoriting" one of my Tweets! WOW!!)
(Above: Pro-triathlete Paul Matthews aka Barney
riding his Blue Bicycle on the Queen K.)

(Above: Stop looking at the handsome photographer.
Go Apolo GO!!)
Go Apolo GO!!)
(Above: When the helicopter is approaching, then you know that the male or female leader of the race is about to whiz by.)
(Above: Rinny on the bikes. She came from an over 14 minute
deficit, to take her third Ironman, with a time of 9 hours and 55 seconds.)
(Above: With the number one on his rear bike post tag,
Frederick Van Lierde from Belgium had a huge
Frederick Van Lierde from Belgium had a huge
bulls eye on his back!)
(Above: Sebastian Kienle from Germany conquers Kona Ironman with a bike split of 4:20:46!!)
(Above: Frodeno, also from Germany, with a bike split of 4:37:19 came in third place.
CORRECTION: My apologies. An awesome person who made a comment found this mistake:
This is actually Cyril Viennot from France. He finished in 5th place!!! )
CORRECTION: My apologies. An awesome person who made a comment found this mistake:
This is actually Cyril Viennot from France. He finished in 5th place!!! )

(Above: Nice can(s)!!! heheee!!
Meredith Kessler with an open can of something in her jersey.
Can't wait to hear what she was drinking.
I saw Meredith at the Challenged Athletes Foundation's
San Diego Triathlon Challenge today (10/19/14) and she
told me. Guess what it is?)
Meredith Kessler with an open can of something in her jersey.
Can't wait to hear what she was drinking.
I saw Meredith at the Challenged Athletes Foundation's
San Diego Triathlon Challenge today (10/19/14) and she
told me. Guess what it is?)
(Above: Daniela Ryf, from Switzerland hammers it on the bikes
with a time of 4:54:33.
Rinny's time was 5:05:48!!
Daniela's run was 3:07:00Rinny's run was 2:50:26!!
Daniela and third place Rachel Royce (4:56:49) from Great Britain,
Daniela's run was 3:07:00Rinny's run was 2:50:26!!
Daniela and third place Rachel Royce (4:56:49) from Great Britain,
were the only two female athletes in the top 20 who finished the bikes in under 5 hours. )
(Above: Rachel Royce of Great Britain. The lady in red!!
Look at those calves!! Beautiful. Sculpted.
THAT'S hard work for ya.)
Look at those calves!! Beautiful. Sculpted.
THAT'S hard work for ya.)
(Above: Julianne Schliebs (1729) from Australia looks like she has quite some road rash. Finishing time: 11:11:56 Well done!!)
(Above: Does Rinny's feet touch the ground?)
(Above: The answer is no!! She flys.)
Daniella Ryf at around mile 25.)
(Above: Rachel Royce about about a mile or so from
the finish line.)
(Above: THERE is A LOT going on in this photo.
Look all the way above the German flag and below the "X"
Look all the way above the German flag and below the "X"
of TIMEX. The gentleman that looks like Santa Claus
has some amazing stories and is very well known in the
neighborhood. He invited me into his house two years ago
after I asked how the view of the finish line would look
from his house. Such a nice guy and his wife is so kind.
Well, Uncle Harry is the brains behind.....wait for it...
Well, Uncle Harry is the brains behind.....wait for it...
the ingredients of Paul Mitchell's Shampoo.
He also has a stake in the tequila company, Patron.AMAZING guy. Fantastic stories.
So cool to get him in the photo with Sebastian Kienle
He also has a stake in the tequila company, Patron.AMAZING guy. Fantastic stories.
So cool to get him in the photo with Sebastian Kienle
coming in through the Finisher's arch in 1st place.
The guy on the left of Sebastian holding up the green phone
looks happier than Sebastian who just won!! heehhee!!)
(Above: The Ironman World Champion of 2014, Sebastian Kienle from Germany gives his girlfriend a nice big hug.)
(Above: 2014 World Cup Football Champions? Germany!!
2014 Kona Ironman Champion? Sebastian Kienle!!
Great job Ben Hoffman from America, placing second.
USA!! USA!! USA!!)
Great job Ben Hoffman from America, placing second.
USA!! USA!! USA!!)

(Above: Jan Frodeno from Germany comes in third place about 6 minutes after 1st place.
Sebastian Kienle's Swim Time: 54:38
Ben Hoffman's Swim Time: 51:20
Jan Frodeno's Swim Time: 50:56
Andy Pott's (USA) Swim Time: 50:56
Overall time
Overall time
Sebastian Kienle: 8:14:18
Ben Hoffman:8:19:23
Jan Frodeno:8:20:32
Andy Potts:8:21:38
(From Ironman.Com)
(Above: Jan Frodeno, exhausted yet happy!!)
(Above: Ben Hoffman's girlfriend sheds some happy tears when they embrace right after Ben finishing.)
(Aboe: Ben Hoffman's girlfriend isn't looking at my lens.
Ben Hoffman happens to be right in front of me and she's looking with tear-filled eyes at him. Beautiful!!)
Ben Hoffman happens to be right in front of me and she's looking with tear-filled eyes at him. Beautiful!!)

(Above: Sebastian Kienle and his girlfriend are ushered
towards an interview.)
towards an interview.)
(Above: Half a second later, Sebastian's girlfriend is overcome with
emotion and wipes tears from her eyes.)
(Above: Overwhelmed with emotions from the day, Sebastian's girlfriend can no longer hold back the tears. Sebastian had pangs of doubt going into the race. He thought that he wasn't good enough. He thought that he wouldn't make it. He voiced his struggles right after finishing and it goes to show that no matter what the fragile mind "thinks" and tell you "not do something," sometimes it is good to suit up and show up. AND WIN!!)
(Above: Sebastian saying some tender words after seeing his girlfriend overcome and overwhelmed with emotions.
A sweet and tender moment.
As a photographer, ya never know when
magic will happen. You've got to be ready.
This is one of my favorite photos. Why?
Because it can't be duplicated. And only three or
four other people saw this happening.
And only one captured it.
Suit up. Show up.)
A sweet and tender moment.
As a photographer, ya never know when
magic will happen. You've got to be ready.
This is one of my favorite photos. Why?
Because it can't be duplicated. And only three or
four other people saw this happening.
And only one captured it.
Suit up. Show up.)
(Above: Sebastian Kienle giving an interview right after the race
with a German TV station.)
(Above: Jay Frodeno, with a great race, gets interviewed by a German news station.)
(Above: Andy Potts. 4th place and 2nd American to finish this year's IM Kona.
He's loving the pretty petal from the lei.
USA!! USA!! USA!!)
(Above: I love how Andrea is posing for a photo in the bike mount area. Work it girl.)
(Above: Ironman's Liz Kollar (and LA Tri Club member,) waving hi to her friend John Appledorn.)
(Above: I wonder what happened to the guy going back through the bike start? Did he forget something?
What's the story behind that?
Anxious? Cold feet? Broken bike part?)
(Above: LA Tri Club's Lynne Fiedler going through the bike mount area. 12:21:21 Great job!!
Sooooooo proud of you Lynne!!!)
(Above: The amazing and happy and classy and elegant Cherie Gruenfeld, author and multiple Kona finisher, is about to
get on her bike for the grueling and windy 112 miles.
Swim: 1:34:25
Bike: 7:25:08
Run: 5:01:06
Finish: 14:09:13)
Read more about Cherie:
(Above: LA Tri Club's Jeff Ku returning to Kona. Nicest guy EVER!!)
(Above: Andrea smiling with less than one mile from
the transition area.)
(Above; Slow down!! YOU are too fast!!
Swim: 1:20:56
Bike: 5:55:56
Run: 4:09:53
Finish: 11:38:30
I love your green bike seat!!)
(Above: A litle father and son time!!
Ricky James getting a little help from his dad.)
(Above: Mark Sortino from the Challenged Athletes Foundation
making sure that Mohamed Lahna (from Morocco) doesn't trip on those steps leading out of the swim. The tide was quite high that day.)
(Above: Ricky James is done with the swim!!)
(Above: Ricky James onto the bike section.)
(Above: Riding a bike with only one arm and hand!!)
(Above: Go Minda Dentler GO!!!)
(Above: And on to the bikes we go!!)
dove into a pool in Hawaii 20 years ago and broke his neck......
Click on HERE for Casey Kammel's inspirational story xoxo)
(Above: Is Alex Zanardi riding a BMW? Check out his helmet)
(Below: Anne Thilges just made a comment on Facebook
(Above: I don't know who this is, but she took a really nasty fall.
Her left thigh is cut, as is her shoulder and she has lacerations on her face.)
(Above: THIS GIRL.
She made so many triathletes smile!
Thank you for showing up and suiting up.
Birthday suit. hehehee!)
(Above: Hi Chrissie!!)
(Above: Tim O'Donnell running by and representing
Team Red, White & Blue.)
(Above: Mary Beth Ellis is fierce.)
(Above: Hi Rebecca. Lovely and happy smile.
We met when we did Ironman Coeur d'Alene in 2010
and have been friends ever since!!)
(Above: My gal, Ginny from Philly!!)
(Above: Eyes looked on the photographer!!
Smile emerges!! )
(Above: Beautiful smile. Beautiful gal!!)
(Above: See you soon!!)
(Above: Andrea makes it look easy.)
(Above: GO Claudia GO!!
Mother of two. How does she find the time to train?
She makes it!!!!)
(Above: Lynne doing what she does best. RUN!!)
(Above: Collectively, WE, WE, WE are sooooooo
proud of all your hard work. It's a dream come true for you
but you paid the price, sacrificed, delayed gratification,
put in the time and did so with grace, beauty and a smile.)
(Above: Great job Jeff. 10:27:30)
(Above: Rebecca, YOU are an Ironman!!)
(Above: Ginny giving her fans a couple of high fives.)
(Above: Ginny YOU are an Ironman!!)
(Above: Apolo Ohno. USA. 32 years young:
Swim: 1:00:29
Bike: 5:07:15
Run: 3:36:41
Finish: 9:52:27
Sub 10!!!!!! WOW WOW WOW.
Imma start drinkin' that Chocolate Milk stuff!!)
He's loving the pretty petal from the lei.
USA!! USA!! USA!!)
(From Ironman.Com)
(Above: I love how Andrea is posing for a photo in the bike mount area. Work it girl.)
(Above: Ironman's Liz Kollar (and LA Tri Club member,) waving hi to her friend John Appledorn.)
(Above: I wonder what happened to the guy going back through the bike start? Did he forget something?
What's the story behind that?
Anxious? Cold feet? Broken bike part?)
(Above: LA Tri Club's Lynne Fiedler going through the bike mount area. 12:21:21 Great job!!
Sooooooo proud of you Lynne!!!)
(Above: The amazing and happy and classy and elegant Cherie Gruenfeld, author and multiple Kona finisher, is about to
get on her bike for the grueling and windy 112 miles.
Swim: 1:34:25
Bike: 7:25:08
Run: 5:01:06
Finish: 14:09:13)
Read more about Cherie:
(Above: LA Tri Club's Jeff Ku returning to Kona. Nicest guy EVER!!)
(Above: Andrea smiling with less than one mile from
the transition area.)
(Above; Slow down!! YOU are too fast!!
Swim: 1:20:56
Bike: 5:55:56
Run: 4:09:53
Finish: 11:38:30
I love your green bike seat!!)
(Above: A litle father and son time!!
Ricky James getting a little help from his dad.)
(Above: Mark Sortino from the Challenged Athletes Foundation
making sure that Mohamed Lahna (from Morocco) doesn't trip on those steps leading out of the swim. The tide was quite high that day.)
(Above: Ricky James is done with the swim!!)
(Above: Ricky James onto the bike section.)
(Above: Riding a bike with only one arm and hand!!)
(Above: Go Minda Dentler GO!!!)
(Above: And on to the bikes we go!!)
(Above: Casey Kammel getting out of the swim.
Below: Just got a comment about the photo of
Casey Kammel on Facebook.)
(Above: Read more about Casey Kammel's story about how heBelow: Just got a comment about the photo of
Casey Kammel on Facebook.)
dove into a pool in Hawaii 20 years ago and broke his neck......
Click on HERE for Casey Kammel's inspirational story xoxo)
(Above: Is Alex Zanardi riding a BMW? Check out his helmet)
(Below: Anne Thilges just made a comment on Facebook
regarding this photo.)
(Above: I don't know who this is, but she took a really nasty fall.
Her left thigh is cut, as is her shoulder and she has lacerations on her face.)
(Above: THIS GIRL.
She made so many triathletes smile!
Thank you for showing up and suiting up.
Birthday suit. hehehee!)
(Above: Hi Chrissie!!)
(Above: Tim O'Donnell running by and representing
Team Red, White & Blue.)
(Above: Mary Beth Ellis is fierce.)
(Above: Hi Rebecca. Lovely and happy smile.
We met when we did Ironman Coeur d'Alene in 2010
and have been friends ever since!!)
(Above: My gal, Ginny from Philly!!)
(Above: Eyes looked on the photographer!!
Smile emerges!! )
(Above: Beautiful smile. Beautiful gal!!)
(Above: See you soon!!)
(Above: Andrea makes it look easy.)
(Above: GO Claudia GO!!
Mother of two. How does she find the time to train?
She makes it!!!!)
(Above: Lynne doing what she does best. RUN!!)
(Above: Collectively, WE, WE, WE are sooooooo
proud of all your hard work. It's a dream come true for you
but you paid the price, sacrificed, delayed gratification,
put in the time and did so with grace, beauty and a smile.)
(Above: Great job Jeff. 10:27:30)
(Above: Rebecca, YOU are an Ironman!!)
(Above: Ginny giving her fans a couple of high fives.)
(Above: Ginny YOU are an Ironman!!)
Swim: 1:00:29
Bike: 5:07:15
Run: 3:36:41
Finish: 9:52:27
Sub 10!!!!!! WOW WOW WOW.
Imma start drinkin' that Chocolate Milk stuff!!)
Please "like" my Photography Page on Facebook for MORE photos and RECENT UPDATES. Click below:
Questions? Please e-mail me:
Photos from the #KonaUPR14 Underpants Run. Click below:
Click on HERE for Kona Underpants Run 2014 Photos xoxo
In addition to triathlons, Shiggy also
takes pretty photos of:
Click--->> Trash the Wedding Dress
Click--->> Beautiful Laguna Beach Wedding
Click--->> Boudoir shoot. Present for Military Husband. NS4W
Click-->> Some of my tear sheets
Shiggy is a Los Angeles based photographer available
to travel anywhere in the US and All over the World.
Commercial. Editorial.
Weddings. Engagements. Boudoir.
Lifestyle. Fitness. Fashion. Glamour.
Celebrity Portraits. Headshots.
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Private VIP Parties
Destination Photo Shoots. Will Travel.
Shiggy is trilingual: English. German. Japanese.
And he likes dogs and cats!!!
For bookings, rates, availability,
please contact
Questions? Please e-mail me:
Photos from the #KonaUPR14 Underpants Run. Click below:
Click on HERE for Kona Underpants Run 2014 Photos xoxo
In addition to triathlons, Shiggy also
takes pretty photos of:
Click--->> Trash the Wedding Dress
Click--->> Beautiful Laguna Beach Wedding
Click--->> Boudoir shoot. Present for Military Husband. NS4W
Click-->> Some of my tear sheets
Shiggy is a Los Angeles based photographer available
to travel anywhere in the US and All over the World.
Commercial. Editorial.
Weddings. Engagements. Boudoir.
Lifestyle. Fitness. Fashion. Glamour.
Celebrity Portraits. Headshots.
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Private VIP Parties
Destination Photo Shoots. Will Travel.
Shiggy is trilingual: English. German. Japanese.
And he likes dogs and cats!!!
For bookings, rates, availability,
please contact
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