This is a video compilation of some of the shows that I was featured in while living in Japan. It includes "Live-on-the-air" segments, pre-recorded "industrial" videos, voice-over work, commercials, work for ABC-Japan, TV Asahi, Kansai TV, and more. Enjoy!!!!
(Below is an 8 minute version)
(This is a longer version, however, the tracking for the sound and visuals are off.)
GoShiggyGo Photography, Shiggy Ichinomiya. Los Angeles Based Photographer & Videographer. Celebrity Portraits. Fitness. Weddings. Commercial. Editorial. Fashion. Glamour. Private Parties & Events. Published Author.Trilingual (English, German, Japanese) 2X Ironman Finisher (IMCDA & IMLT) Travelled 25 + Countries. Boston U. Alum. Also Fire Academy Grad. Doggie Lover! 神戸生まれ、アメリカとイギリス育ちの、一宮・成光(しげみつ)と申します。あだ名は“シギー”です。 (Photos BEST viewed on laptop or desktop)